biomatrix organisation

our vision

Our vision is that a w/holistic (r)evolution sweeps through all societies and transforms their cultural, economic and political systems to make them sustainable, serve all stakeholders and co-produce desirable societal development in harmony with nature and with minimal negative impacts on nature, and that Biomatrix Theory and Methodology contribute to this.

our mission

Our mission is to create the theoretical and methodological context (e.g. through w/holistic frameworks, methods and tools) and educate leaders to apply this in facilitating the stakeholders of a system to collectively redesign the system based on a w/holistic ethos and in a participatory, inclusive and transparent manner.

We aim to deliver our courses and programmes directly to a client system, or by partnering with other organisations who share our vision and ethos.

our ethos

W/Holism implies a generic ethos which includes:

  • ongoing learning and desirable development
  • harmony with nature
  • sustainability
  • balanced exchange between systems (i.e. service to self and others within the containing whole)
  • fair benefit for all stakeholders of a system
  • minimizing of negative impacts on stakeholders (including nature)
  • optimisation of wholes not parts
  • coordinated self-governance

A w/holistic system transformation implies that the system begins to function according to this ethos.

our business

We have three business units



Biomatrix Web has participated in the creation of Biomatrix Theory (which is a w/holistic systems theory) and developed the Biomatrix Methodology for Complex Problem Solving and Social System Design.

Its business is continued theoretical, methodological and product development (e.g. courses, transformation programmes, videos, books, cartoons and memes), as well as product co-development (e.g. software for applying the methodology in the public domain).

biomatrix school for sustainable system design

Biomatrix School for Sustainable System Design offers on-line education courses to individual students and corporate clients that teach Biomatrix Theory and Methodology and their application through template driven assignments

biomatrix consultancy

Biomatrix Consultancy  delivers the Biomatrix System Transformation Programmes  to corporate clients in the private and public sector who want to transform their organisation into a learning matrix, or create a sustainable and w/holistic functional, or industry design and transformation.

The programmes can be delivered within a corporate setting through facilitated workshops, and questionnaires, or in the public domain through on-line Biomatrix Jamming and Biomatrix Design Conferencing

Notes on Terminology

Revolution and Evolution

We use the word (r)evolution in order to emphasise the need for utilising both the revolutionary and evolutionary tendency in society to bring about change in social systems.

  • Revolution means revolving to a previous place or state.  The term revolution has a political connotation, typically associated with being dissatisfied with the current order and having the aim of sweeping it away. Historically, this often involved war. However, we hold the strong belief that sweeping away an old order can and should be achieved peacefully (i.e. by transforming a system through redesigning it and then implementing the design, as for example, facilitated by Biomatrix Theory and Methodology.)
    The psychological driving force of the revolutionary is passion. (The term is derived from the Latin word meaning “suffering”). Passion typically arises from the suffering observed in the current undesirable system from which the desire for its change arises.
    The term revolution also implies returning to a previous state. In terms of the knowledge and worldview needed for the future, this could imply visiting the past and reclaiming cultural knowledge that was lost in the course of industrialization and its accompanying worldview of reductionist and rational thinking.  Through this the connective and integrative thinking (e.g. connection between nature and society; between the different areas of our life; reconnection of persons with themselves and their source; integration of “head, heart and gut” thinking, and so on) was neglected and even lost. This “old” worldview and its associated knowledge need to be revisited, reclaimed and integrated with our current worldview. Without this, humanity may not survive as a species.


  • Evolution implies new developments and emergence of new “things” (be it a new product, species or new social order) through an underlying organising force (be it technological development, survival of the fittest, a social ideology or new worldview).) We promote the w/holistic transformation of the cultural, economic and political systems of the current global order, based on a more desirable redesign of those systems derived from w/holistic thinking (such as embodied in Biomatrix Theory and Methodology).)
    The psychological driving force of the transformer is enthusiasm. (The term is derived from Ancient Greek and means “God within”).  Enthusiasm is typically associated with showing what could be and arises from inspiration.

Wholism and Holism

We use the term w/holism to describe the complementarity of the two concepts of wholism and holism:

  • Wholism refers to a system as being a self-contained whole. It defines what wholes are and what makes up a whole. Thereby it distinguishes between systems that are wholes and that are not (e.g. a system that is a complex “mess”, like a complex problem such as poverty or climate change).
  • Holism refers to the tendency of systems to develop, become more whole and interact with other systems, thereby continuously changing and producing new outcomes (i.e. emergence).

Context and Content knowledge
We distinguish between context and content knowledge in both, complex problem solving and system design.

  • Context refers to the generic information associated with the Biomatrix frameworks, methodological steps and organising principles that are derived from a theory of how systems are organised in general. It is therefore the same for all systems.
  • Content knowledge refers to system specific information. It is derived from analysing the state of a system and its problems, brainstorming solutions for it and creating a design for the system.

Context knowledge guides the generating of content knowledge. The context knowledge is like a set of generic questions that can be asked of any system, while the answers given by the stakeholders of the system provide the unique description of the system. No two stakeholders will provide exactly the same answer to the same question and with every new stakeholder contribution and perspective the content information changes. Other analogies are the difference between a book shelf and the books it contains, or the riverbed and the water that flows in it.

Biomatrix Theory and Methodology represent context information. They do not per se prescribe or provide specific solutions for any of the world’s complex problems or how any transformed cultural, economic, or political system should look like.

Nevertheless there are generic principles derived from Biomatrix Theory which suggest how some of humanity’s current systems need to change.  An example is the current democracy model, which – according to Biomatrix Theory – is an insufficient hybrid model and would need to be replaced by a w/holistic democracy consisting of a stakeholder and citizen’s democracy.