strategies of an alternative revolution: research

In 1986, Elisabeth Dostal, as a researcher within the IFR (Institute for Futures Research of the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) conducted a study on political violence in South Africa between the oppressive Apartheid regime and a revolutionary opposition, as well as between different factions of the opposition. The study revealed a dialectic pattern of violence, derived from an application of the three laws of dialectic materialism (as formulated by Engels). The according scenarios of the future suggested a likely escalation of violence on all sides with an increasingly bloody outcome of the conflict.
Deeply concerned about this, she then conducted research in support of a scenario that describes a peaceful political transition through transcending the dialectics of power. Surprisingly, this research revealed that many initiatives by different groups existed which seemed to work towards a shared and peaceful democratic political future, in spite of the ongoing conflict. Again following a dialectic approach (albeit a transformed one), the scenario on Transcending the Dialectics of Power describes strategies of an Alternative Revolution for South Africa.
This scenario was initially presented at a conference to IFR Associates (i.e. representatives of about 30 of South Africa’s largest corporations). It subsequently was discussed with various cultural, economic and political leaders and organisations associated with both, the Apartheid regime and various opposition groups.
Thanks to the delightful illustrations by Martine Dodds, the presentation was favourably received – even by potentially hostile opposition audiences.
We believe that the strategies inspired many leaders to rethink the future of South Africa and thereby contributed to its peaceful transformation in 1994.

strategies of an alternative revolution: illustrations

The illustrations for the presentation on Dialectics of Power – An Alternative Revolution for South Africa were done by Martine Dodds.
Martine Dodds (MPhil), worked for the IFR on projects concerned with societal development, based on systems thinking. She made major scientific contributions in this area of research. She also spent some time working with the famous systems thinkers Ackoff and Gharajedaghi at Interact (in Philadelphia, USA) and later joined the Biomatrix Research Group in some projects.
As a hobby, Martine expressed her philosophy in the form of cartoons, much loved by her colleagues.
In 1988 she offered to illustrate the scenario on Transcending the Dialectics of Power – An Alternative Revolution for South Africa which was presented at the annual IFR conference. Martine’s delightful pictures and insightful analogies transformed the talk from one being illustrated by pictures to a talk explaining the illustrations. The pictures charmed and inspired various audiences and thereby contributed to the peaceful transition of South Africa. Shortly before her death, Martine expressed the wish to be remembered for those illustrations and we hereby want to honor her wish.
Thank you Martine! Your contribution continues. ALUTA CONTINUA!

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