biomatrix systems theory blog

pioneers have no peers

History of innovation shows that in the early phases of a new approach or product, there is no possibility of benchmarking. One could not benchmark an iPad before other companies replicated the product. One could compare it with a computer or smartphone, but this is comparing some aspects of the new product and not really benchmarking. Pioneers have no peers!

Although systems thinking per se is not an innovation, its application still is. In the absence of a standardised approach and application, every person, department and organisation experimenting with systems thinking in their specific context is still somewhat of a pioneer.
The integration of the fragmented body of knowledge into one internally consistent meta-systems theory as achieved by Biomatrix Systems Theory is innovative. Likewise, the development of a comprehensive systemic change management methodology for organisational and societal change as facilitated by the Biomatrix Societal and Organisation Development Programmes is also an innovation. Because the Biomatrix programmes represent an inclusive and synergistic integration – besides adding unique features – they cannot be compared to other partial approaches. (By analogy, one cannot compare a car with a gearbox.)

The Biomatrix programmes will lend themselves to benchmarking once they are widely, routinely and in their entirety applied within organisations (analogous to organisations installing a SAP system). Until then they are unique and pioneering.

Instead of benchmarking, we suggest the sharing of experiences between organisations using the same and even different systems approaches. Our organisation, BiomatrixWeb, uses Masterclasses in organisation development to create a platform for this exchange of information.

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